VBSR Networking Get-Together Hosted by The Alchemist

  • 03/21/2017
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • The Alchemist Brewery, 100 Cottage Club Rd, Stowe, Vermont 05672
THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT. Stay tuned to join our waitlist!

​VBSR members and friends are invited to join us for an evening networking and education at The Alchemist in Stowe! We are excited to talk CSR, community and sustainability over a glass of their world famous beer. This event is open to the public and is free for VBSR members and state officials, $10 for nonmembers.

Our generous hosts will be providing Hors d’oeuvres, tours of their facility and a cash bar with proceeds benefiting a local non-profit! Stay tuned for event registration to open.

Cost: Free for VBSR members, state/elected officials; $10 for nonmembers
To Register: Please Register Here 
For More Info: Contact russe@vbsr.org

About Our Host

The Alchemist 

This networking get-together will be held at the Alchemist's new brewery in Stowe. Completed in 2016, this high-efficiency building is a celebration of brewing, community and sustainability! 

Founded in 2003, the Alchemist is a family-run brewery specializing in fresh, unfiltered IPAs. They brew the world-renowned Heady Topper in Waterbury, and create a variety of delicious beers at their flagship brewery and retail tasting room in Stowe.

Their commitment to social responsibility includes providing good jobs, maintaining quality of life for employees and creating new opportunities in the community - while staying focused on innovation to lessen environmental impact. They have just launched the Alchemist Foundation, focusing on providing educational and career opportunities for local youth.

The Alchemist team is dedicated to brewing great beer while having as much fun as humanly possible!

Complete agenda, tour, and car pool info and registration coming soon!


5:30 Registration, Networking, Tours

6:15 CSR-based Program

6:45 Networking and Tours Resume


The Alchemist will be offering small-group tours before and after the program. You'll see & hear the (short & sweet) version of the magic that goes into great beer-making, as well as the magic that goes into great wastewater management!


Whether you are coming from near or far, we hope you'll consider the impact of your travel. CLICK HERE TO START OR JOIN A CARPOOL.

Good Eats

Looking to grab a bite to eat before or after the event? Check these lists of our members in LAMIOLLE COUNTY and WASHINGTON COUNTY that can help with that!


Why not make a night of it?? Our friends at the Sun and Ski Inn are happy to offer a special discount for VBSR members! The rate will be $75 for any room type! Use booking access code "VBSR" on our website or mention it over the phone or at the front desk. Go to Book now at WWW.SUNANDSKIINN.COM.

Event Sponsors

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

At Bank of America, we’re thinking about the big picture.  To help our clients integrate and simplify their financial lives – from both a personal and business perspective – we take a holistic approach, drawing upon a vast range of capabilities to deliver relevant guidance, solutions and services.

Grow Compost of Vermont 

Grow Compost of Vermont collects and manages organic material and returns these important resources to Vermont’s food system. Grow Compost's organic hauling service includes collecting spent grains, yeast and liquid residuals from breweries such as the Alchemist. Grains are diverted to farms and compost facilities and liquid brewery residuals are taken to anaerobic digesters throughout Vermont where they help to create clean, renewable energy. After the material is processed through anaerobic digestion, the liquid material, which is full of nutrients, is spread on Vermont fields to build organic soils.

Image Outfitters 

IMAGE OUTFITTERS has been providing promotional products for businesses around the world with an emphasis on social and environmental responsibility since its founding in 1998. During the economic downturn, co-founders Esbert and Kirsten Cardenas noticed that many organizations dependent on donations were woefully underfunded. In response they created the ISHARE CHARITABLE DONATIONS PROGRAM as a means to give back to their clients’ local communities by donating 10% of each sale to the charity of the client’s choice.


Merritt & Merritt

MERRITT & MERRITT is a B Corporation law firm based in Burlington, Vermont representing emerging growth companies with a focus on financing and intellectual property. The firm also represents angel, family office, venture capital and private equity investors and is an active participant in the New England venture ecosystem.

Round Sky Solutions 

At ROUND SKY SOLUTIONS , we believe collaborative teams highlight the brilliant leadership needed for our businesses to thrive. Outdated hierarchical systems are holding us back from our most creative, fulfilling work. Yet, collaborative teams need new, effective processes to get organized and motivated. We've designed a comprehensive toolkit, Collab™, for your team to share leadership joyfully. Work with us to strategically align your team, to implement game-changing accountability systems to track progress and achievements, and to dynamically steer through inevitable complexities. Take advantage of our free resources to collaborate: www.roundskysolutions.com/resources and use the code VBSRrocks for 20% off our online course, COLLAB 101!

Stowe Bowl

Stowe Bowl is an eight lane boutique bowling lounge located at the Sun and Ski Inn and Suites in Stowe, Vermont. Great food, a full bar serving everything from Shirley Temples to White Russians, a lounge atmosphere, and a state of the art audio-visual experience to complement the good old family sport that everyone knows and loves.


SUNCOMMON believes that everyone has the right to a healthy environment and safer world -- and clean energy is where it starts.  Energy from the sun can power our lives, heat our homes and fuel our cars.  Our mission is to tear down the barriers to renewable energy.  We do that by making it easy and affordable for all Vermonters to go solar.

Organized as one of Vermont's pioneering Benefit Corporations, SunCommon is committed to the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. Most of our 100 workers operate out of The Energy Mill, Vermont's largest net-zero office building. Just 2 years old but now Vermont’s largest solar business, SunCommon installs half of all the residential solar systems in our state.  This is fun stuff.

Vermont Community Loan Fund 

THE VERMONT COMMUNITY LOAN FUND creates opportunities that lead to healthy communities and financial stability for all Vermonters. VCLF is a mission-driven, community-focused alternative lender. An expert in finding and financing opportunities that don’t qualify for credit from traditional lenders, the Vermont Community Loan Fund puts capital in the hands of VT's entrepreneurs and community organizations who can’t access it anywhere else, to benefit the Vermonters who need it most. We finance businesses and programs that help lower-income Vermonters access safe, affordable homes, quality jobs, quality early care & education and essential community services. We make sure our borrowers have access not just to capital, but to the other tools and resources they need to succeed; we provide comprehensive business development services, both in-house and in partnership with third-party partners and collaborators.
Our loan capital comes from the community: individuals & families, corporations, state & federal governments, foundations, financial institutions, faith-based groups and others who want to align their impact investments with their values and their geography, earning them a social or "community" return along with their financial return.

Since our inception we’ve lent over $95 million to local businesses, affordable housing developers and community-based organizations that has created or preserved over 5,600 jobs; built or rehabilitated more than 4,000 affordable homes for Vermont’s families, individuals and seniors; created or preserved quality care for over 3,800 children and their families and supported community organizations providing vital services to hundreds of thousands of Vermonters. 

For more information about the Loan Fund and its lending and impact investing programs, visit www.investinvermont.org

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